Saturday, May 21, 2011

Killzone 3 Review

Even though it has been out for a f ew months, I wanted to post my review written at

Killzone 3
Reviewed-By: VanishedNine (Rod Blackstock)
Platform: PS3
Genre: Shooters

Presentation-Rating: 5 out of 5 Briquettes
Presentation-Comments: Killzone 3 has great visuals and cinematics that keep you engrossed in the game. Cutscenes come fast, as there is usually 2 per level...which keep you motivated to get to the next one to see how the story will play out.

Gameplay-Rating: 4 out of 5 Briquettes
Gameplay-Comments: Gameplay was standard FPS fare. With a good cover system, lots of ammo crates for reloading and some new weapons. The WASP is a grea weapon that shoots a group of three rockets towards a target. This is great for taking out tanks, some of the bigger enemies, and can also zoom in for a more accurate shot. There is also a bolt gun, which will pins enemies to walls if suitable, and the Arc Cannon...which turns enemies into a gooey explosion. Some areas get frustrating with the sheer number of bad guys, and they now try to flank you...which causes you to die a lot. Your AI counterparts are hit and miss in places. Also, when an enemy is in close range, you can use L1 to brutal melee...if he is facing you, you stab him in the eye, or break his neck and it never gets old. Definitely not for the kids.

Audio-Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5 Briquettes
Audio-Comments: The sound is fantastic, with lots of sounds that should be there. Machines sound full and loud, guns all have a distinct sound, and when you brutal melee a guy, depending on how you do it it sounds quite gruesome. There are a few hiccups...but not too many to make it affect gameplay.

Graphics-Rating: 5 out of 5 Briquettes
Graphics-Comments: This game looks fantastic...from the opening section, to the cutscenes, to the in game graphics it looks fantastic. Once in a the start of a level but before the shooting starts...I would look around and take in the scenery.

Longevity-Rating: 5 out of 5 Briquettes
Longevity-Comments: I played on the normal level, and there are still a couple of higher levels to play on, and I haven't really tried the MP part too much but I am sure this will be one to rival COD:BO and Halo:Reach on PSN.

Overall-Rating: 4 1/2 out of 5 Briquettes

Final-Thoughts: With the small audio glitches, Killzone 3 is a fantastic game, with a good story( cliffhanger at the end for the inevitable KZ4), excellent video and graphic presentation this is a game that everyone should eventually have in their collection

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