Saturday, May 21, 2011


Well, it has been some time since I have written...but now I will be trying to write on a more consistent basis. I thought my first post in a while would be about my iPad.

When Apple announced the iPad 2, the price of the first iPad dropped by $ I took the plunge. I am very glad that I did.

It fits very nicely in my hands, very comfortable to hold and use, and does not generate much heat. It uses all the accelerometer and tech that is found in the iPhone, and switches from landscape to portrait view very easily and effortlessly. the home button at the bottom of the device, as well as volume and on/off buttons are placed similarly as on the older 3G iphones. When you turn on the device, you are greeted with the same swipe to unlock screen as on the iPhone, and are greeted with the same home buttons and app buttons as on the iTouch. The standard Mail, Safari, iPod, and Photo apps are there, as are iTunes, App Store, and Game Center...which allows you to compare scores and play against other Apple customers with supported devices. The iOS has really grown and evolved since being released on the first iPhone...and really shines with the iPad. A new app, that is a free download is iBooks...which is Apples take on the e-book reader. It is easy to use, has the iBookstore built right into the app, and shows your books like they are on a bookshelf. Books are quite inexpensive as well, with new releases around $14.99. I am enjoying this app very much.

Setting up and syncing are very easy, and not much different if you have ever used an Apple iOS device. It is a bit too big to use as any type of MP3 player on a daily basis...but is a great dvice for surfing in bed, on the train, or on the couch without having to boot up your computer.

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