So, I have been extremely busy at work lately. I interviewed for a new position...Toolroom Inventory Coordinator and i should find out this week if I got it. I think I have a good chance of getting it, but trying not to be too confident either.
I am also busy with SAP implementation. I was away for 2 days this week to learn uPerform software, which is the tool we will be using to create simulations and elearning courses. It was a pretty intense 2 days, and this week I will have to teach others in our plant the software. Then we will start to develop the training authoring for the MTS module, which is for maintenance and tooling. This will be a pretty big undertaking...and wiil take up a considerable amount of time.
gaming wise, I had a pretty good head of steam going in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt...and need to get back into that. With having today off...and it looking like it will be a rainy day, I think I should be able to get a good chunk of it done to catch up.