Wednesday, August 6, 2014


yesterday I finished Act 5 in Diablo 3. It was fun, short, but fun.

I am now exploring Adventure Mode and Rifts...which are dungeons set in different parts of the Diablo 3 world. It has bigger monsters and bosses, and along the way gives you new events that pay experience and gold.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Need to get back to this

So, here it is August 4 2014.

I haven't written much, with my last post being well over a year ago, so I am going to make a concentrated effort to get on and write at least once a day, with some rambling thoughts about games, movies, books, and anything else that tickles my fancy.

So, the first thing I am going to write about is my new phone. I picked up a Samsung Galaxy S5 a couple weeks ago, and am loving it so far. The bigger screen, live home screen, and interaction with my Google account, make things a bit more intuitive for me going forward. I am also thinking of picking up a Galaxy tablet to replace my iPad, but we will see how that goes.